About Me
Trainings and Certificates:
My roots are deeply anchored in shamanic healing practice. As a child I intuitively and spontaneously
journeyed with nature inwardly and outwardly and have always been intimately connected with
beings of the subtle worlds.
Being an intuitive, I receive messages from Light Beings. It is the purpose of my soul to share my gifts
and harmonize unbalanced energy-frequencies naturally and spontaneously.
Since my childhood, I have been immersed in the mysticism of life and for many years I have followed
the "Inayatiyya" Sufi Path of the heart.
My training as a dancer and dance teacher have helped me incarnate into my body completely.
Yoga has helped me connect body, mind and Spirit. And my training in movement-based expressive art
therapy has shown me the way to my inner healing resources through my emotions, my body, my
voice and the creative arts.
Many Seminars and trainings in the fields of Shamanism, Energy Medicine, Energetic Bodywork,
Mediumship, and Feminine Empowerment have blessed me and opened the gateways of memory to
my ancient healing wisdom from the star nations.
As a yoga doula, I combine spiritual practice with the physical changes of this magical and unique
journey of motherhood. This has been an incredibly deep healing path for me, and I tap into the
ancient connection of divine sisterhood when I assist in pregnancy, birth and postpartum.
​I live with my family in Switzerland, teaching courses for children, families and women, and offer
healing work and ceremonies online and in person. Family and love have always been good teachers
for me, along with my daily spiritual practice, my Spirit guides and many beautiful and wise teachers
in human form.
I love being with sisters, with my family, being in nature, drumming and sounding, moving, letting my body cells vibrate, enjoying precious self-care time and allowing my creativity to come through in various small and big ways.
​“Love is the bridge between you and everything.”
~ Rumi
​ The spiral waves of life have always directed me to self-discovery in my spiritual awareness. It has come in the form of heart-connection, healing from a place of Divine Light, Womb Medicine and Woman's Wisdom, intuitive art and body work. Early in my life I was plunged into various teaching positions, mostly in the area of spirituality,
dance, yoga, singing, and combinations of all of it. I love my unconventional life which is rich in
experience, love and light. It fills me with deep gratitude to share Spiral Song with you: this space for wholesome soul healing which leads to the inner home.
You find my offerings for kids here:
Spiral Kids
Peace, Shalom, Salaam, Shanti, Maluhia, Hozhoni.
Isha Linda
2006: Reiki level 1-4, India
2006: Yoga teacher training, India
Since then participating in different yoga workshops, ongoing
2007 - 2010: Dance teacher, Lola Rogge School, Hamburg, D
2011: Ordination as a Cherag (Minister of Spiritual Services) Inayatiyya, CH/USA
2011 - 2012: Movement-based Expressive Art Therapy, Tamalpa Life/Art, USA
2012 - 2013: Spiritual Suluk Academy, Inayatiyya, USA
2013: Parent-child movement teacher, CH
2017: Women's Circle leader, The Wild Woman Project, USA, online
2017: Moon Mother Training, Miranda Gray, CH
2017: Mediumship Training, Gordon Smith, UK, online
2018: Angel Healing, Doreen Virtue, USA, online
2018: Angel Reading, Kyle Gray, UK, online
2018: Crystal Reader, Doreen Virtue and Judith Lukomski, USA, online
2018: Past Life Regression for Self Healing, Brian Weiss, USA, online
2018: Lotus Healing, Starlight Center, UK
2019: Past Life Therapy, Lorell Frysh, USA
2019: Ordination as a Star Priestess, Starlight Center, UK
2019: Ordination as a Healing Service Conductor, Inayatiyya, CH
2019 - 2020: Yoga Doula and Perinatal Service, Yoga Doula School
2020: Ordination as a Spiritual Retreat Guide, Inayatiyya, USA/CH
2018 - 2020: Sacred Womb Medicine Woman Certificate, Melanie Swan, GB, online
2020: Shamanic Journeying, Sandra Ingerman, USA online
2020 - 2021: Shamanic Healing Work, Eva Ruprechtsberger, AT (lecturer of Sandra Ingerman), online
2021: Shamanic Breathwork Facilitator, Linda Star Wolf, Venus Rising, USA, online
2021 - now: The Path of the Healer, Eva Ruprechtsberger, AT (lecturer of Sandra Ingerman), online
...ongoing seminars and trainings in Shamanic Healing, Intuitive Medicine, Spiritual Light, Cosmic Consciousness, Somatic Therapy and Mindful Parenting.